Separation Agrement

Separation Agreements: An Alternative to Divorce

Legal separation is an alternative to divorce that allows couples to live apart while remaining legally married. This option is often chosen by those who are not ready to fully end their marriage but need to establish clear and protective guidelines for living separately.

For the low flat rate of $549, We The People makes legal separation an affordable alternative to divorce. Our experienced team can even assist with filing your documents with the court if you choose to do so.

Why Choose Legal Separation

  • Allows couples to live apart while remaining married.
  • Ideal for those not ready to end their marriage.
  • Involves a contract between spouses agreeing on financial responsibilities, custody, visitation, support, and spousal support.

Benefits of Legal Separation

  • Financial Clarity: Our separation agreements clarify financial responsibilities and protect both parties, including the division of assets and other important matters.
  • Health Insurance Benefits: Separation allows you to stay on your partner’s health plan.
  • Considers Children: We address custody, visitation, and provision for children in our comprehensive agreements.
  • Spousal Support: Our agreements can include provisions for spousal support.
  • Aligns with Beliefs: Legal separation allows couples to live separately while respecting religious or personal beliefs about divorce.

How Legal Separation Differs from Divorce

While legal separation allows you to live apart without ending your marriage, divorce legally dissolves the marriage, terminating marital rights and obligations. Legal separation enables you to maintain benefits such as health insurance and tax advantages, which can be significant given the high cost of individual coverage and potential tax implications. 


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